X-ray absorption spectroscopy at SAGA-LS and its applications for materials science

Dnia 2016-09-27 o godzinie 14:15 w sali 2011 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym dr Toshihiro Okajima z Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center, Tosu, Saga 841-0005, Japan (SAGA-LS, Saga Light Source) wygłosi referat pt:

X-ray absorption spectroscopy at SAGA-LS and its applications for materials science

The Saga Light Source (SAGA-LS) is a compact synchrotron light source with a storage electron energy of 1.4 GeV [1]. We can use the X-rays with the energies from 40eV to 40keV using beamlines built around the storage ring. The SAGA-LS is the first SR facility founded by a local government, Saga prefecture in Japan, for technology innovation of regional industries. The SAGA-LS has been operated since 17 February, 2006. Seven prefectural (BL07 [2], BL09 [3], BL10 [4], BL11 [5], BL12 [6], BL15 [7], and BL18) and four contract beamlines (BL06, BL13, BL16, and BL17) are now in operation at SAGA-LS. The prefectural beamlines are open for user experiments of company, university, and public institutions. We can perform the XAFS experiments in beamlines BL07, BL11, and BL15 for hard X-ray region, and also in beamlines BL10 and BL12 for soft X-ray region. The usage of X-ray absorption spectroscopy exceeds 50% in public beamlines. XAFS experiments have been used in the many field of material science, such as electronic devices [8,9], second ion battery [10], new materials [11,12], energy, environment [13,14]. In the presentation, I introduce our public beamlines and review some interesting XAFS experimental results that have been undertaken with SAGA-LS.

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