Living Cell Fate in a High-Gradient Magnetic Field

Dnia 2016-12-13 o godzinie 13:15 w sali 2011 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym prof. Vitalii Zablotskii z Department of Optical and Biophysical Systems, Institute of Physics AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic, wygłosi referat pt:

Living Cell Fate in a High-Gradient Magnetic Field

As the field of nanomedicine grows, knowledge of the interactions between magnetic fields and living cells is of increasing importance. The exact mechanisms of magnetic field effects on cell functionality still eludes our complete understanding. However, it seems that at least a few underlying mechanisms were identified for different types of cells exposed to a high-gradient magnetic field (HGMF). We were able to show that in HGMFs cell life and death are driven by magnetic gradient forces. For example, life and death of cells on micro-magnets characterized by extremely high magnetic gradient, up to 10^6 T/m, discussed here, showed quite different responses of mesenchymal stem cells and human leukemia cells to an HGMF. The stem cells migrate to areas with the strongest magnetic field gradient and build up interconnected cell networks, while the human leukemia cells exhibit swelling followed by apoptosis. We discuss the effects of static HGMFs on cell growth, morphology and cytoskeleton organization. The effect of the HGMFs on gene expression of stem cells and their differentiation pathway is undoubtedly a very exciting and important question that could not be left out.
Several broader questions will be discussed. How do cells react in response to an applied HGMF? What is the role of magnetic gradient force in the cell machinery? Does the Lorentz force influence the motion of intracellular and/or intercellular ions? How can tumor be arrested by an HGMF? Are magnetically induced cell divisions known to exist? How can the high-gradient magnetic field be used as a tool for controlling cell machinery? Why is it so challenging to identify cellular and subcellular effectors of an HGMF?
Driving the cell functions with HGMFs opens new opportunities to study intercellular and intracellular processes and provides new routes to controlling cell fate.

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