Variety of Magneto-plasmonic Structures: from Waveguides to Metasurfaces

Seminarium wydziałowe

Dnia 2021.10.26 (wtorek) o godzinie 14.15, odbędzie się wykład Wydziału Fizyki na którym dr Terunori Kaihara z Wydziału Fizyki UwB wygłosi wykład pt.:

„Variety of Magneto-plasmonic Structures: from Waveguides to Metasurfaces”

Serdecznie zapraszamy

Andrzej Maziewski

Jerzy Przeszowski

Variety of Magneto-plasmonic Structures: from Waveguides to Metasurfaces
dr Terunori Kaihara, Wydział Fizyki UwB

Magnetoplasmonics is an interdisciplinary study between plasmonics and magneto-optics and has two mutual aspects: plasmonic enhancement of magneto-optical (MO) effect and magnetic modulation of surface plasmons.
The former can dramatically reduce the size of key photonic devices that are necessary for non-reciprocal light manipulation and polarization control. The latter is one of the few ways to actively control surface plasmons, which would play a significant role in nanophotonics, telecommunications, and sensing.
In the talk, I would like to address actual magnetoplasmonics structures in this regard based on my own experience that include plasmonic waveguides for isolators compatible with photonic integrated circuits, multilayered systems for high-performance sensing, and metasurfaces for a large MO enhancement beyond the conventional limit.

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