Rekrutacja Praktyki EUROPEAN STUDENT PLACEMENT AGENCY w ramach ERASMUS+ w roku akademickim 2020/2021




w roku akademickim 2020/2021

Osoby zainteresowane wyjazdem na praktyki latem 2021 w ramach programu Erasmus + mogą kontaktować się ze mną osobiście (pok.1065) lub mailowo ( w terminie do 26.03.2021r. Załączam poniższe ogłoszenie: Mobility with EPS [1] NATURAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP OFFERS We have amazing career starting opportunities for SCIENCE students! Engineering Geophysics Internship (INOGE0202) [2] Bioscience Internship (INVBS2302) [3] At ESPA we aim to make the transition to come to a foreign country as easy and stress free as possible, especially in the current circumstances, so we have already secured the housing for the students and it will be paid for by the host company. THERE ARE NO FEES FOR STUDENTS OR UNIVERSITIES TO USE OUR SERVICES. PLEASE TELL YOUR STUDENTS TO REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE AND APPLY FOR THESE INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY! OUR BENEFITS: * PAID ACCOMMODATION. * PAID UTILITY BILLS (electricity, gas, water and council tax) + Internet Access. * COMMUTER TRAVEL TO WORK (accommodation will be found within an acceptable commuting distance from the workplace, if that requires more than a sensible walk then a bus/train ticket will be provided). This will be sourced and managed on the students behalf by ESPA. These benefits have an approximate value of 700€-1000€ per month (depending on location). There is no salary over and above the benefits offered, unless specifically stated as the students keeps their whole Erasmus+ grant. For all internships over 6 months or remote, additional benefits will be paid. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS ROLE IS SUITABLE FOR YOUR STUDENTS AND IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE SIMILAR OFFERS IN THE FUTURE. I'd like to have a quick chat about your University and discuss if there is a possibility for a cooperation in the future. Please book a time in my diary. [4] Kind regards, MAARJA HEINSOO Links: ------ [1] [2] [3] [4] Krystyna Perzyńska /koordynator wydziałowy Erasmus+/
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