Astrophysics of active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries (Dr Marek Nikolajuk, Prof. UwB):
- Accretion into black holes (supermassive and stellar), including radiative processes and spectral analysis of disks,
- Time series analysis - study of X-ray, ultraviolet and optical variations of the mentioned objects,
- Analysis of broad emission-lines regions (BELR),
- "weighting" of supermassive black holes,
- Studies of Seyfert galaxies (BLS1 and NLS1),
- Studies of 'ordinary' quasars (Type 1 QSO), weak emission-lines (WLQ) and broad absorption-lines (BAL QSO) quasars,
- Tidal Disruption Events of stars, white dwarfs and planets by black holes (TDE),
- Participation in the construction of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA).
Didactics of astronomy (M.Sc. Andrzej Branicki):
- an offer of practical astronomical tasks is being developed for students of the Faculty using our Astronomical Observatory